Saturday, October 2, 2010

Remember the Fire!!

None of us will soon forget the events of August 27th when the old polo barn went up in flames. One of the headaches created by that blaze was the contamination of the large stockpile of Pro-Angle Bunker sand.

This pile of sand (approx. 900 tons or 1/3 of the project total)has since been moved out of the fire location and re-located to the lower parking lot near the tennis courts. In an effort to make sure the sand is free of any fire debris, your CCD team first removed the outer two feet of the entire pile and that sand was discarded. Don't worry, the insurance policy does cover the replacement material. The remaining sand is being run a 3mm screen to make sure there is no additional debris embedded deeper into the pile.

The machine in this picture has been brought in from the same sand mine where our greens and tees mix was blended. This machine is very effective removing any "junk" that may still remain. I am happy to report that the first 200 tons that have been run through the machine have come out perfectly clean and we have begun to use this product in the construction.